Outsmart Your Appetite | Weight Loss Expert

Outsmart Your Appetite

Have you noticed that your drive to eat often does not have much to do with your actual hunger? Your appetite is most often triggered by the mere sight or thought of food. The key to controlling your appetite is to have awareness. Here are three tactics to help tame your food temptations and outsmart your appetite.

1. Smaller Plates and Utensils

If you have larger dishes then the standard ten and a half inches, use a salad plate for your main dish. The best idea here would be to by smaller plates altogether. Also make sure to use smaller spoons and forks to reduce portion sizes. The bigger the plate or utensil, the more you will eat. In one study people at a party were given a large bowl and they were given a three ounce scooper to dish out their ice cream desert. The group of people with the three ounce scooper ate 53% more than another group of people who were given a two ounce scooper and a smaller bowl.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

When I am on my diet plan I always drink generous amounts of water. The reason for this is simple, it helps to keep you full. It is also recommended to drink eight glasses of water every day. I try to drink a full bottle of water every meal. I like to eat a turkey sandwich every lunch and after each bite I take a drink of water, it fills me up as if I ate two sandwiches instead of one.

3. Getting Bored of Diet Foods

When your on a diet trying to lose weight, at the start of your diet, all you will be thinking about is food. After a short time you will become tired of the diet foods you have been eating and want to change things up. Researchers recommend to come up with a standard repertoire of meals, and stick to it. Most people will always try to have something new, but studies find that when your always looking for new choices you will most likely end up on a calorie splurge.

For more information regarding weight loss and dieting please check out the book Strip The Fat, It’s filled with important information. I highly recommend it if you want real success in your dieting goals, without starving yourself. Check it out HERE.

33 Responses to “Outsmart Your Appetite”

  1. The urge to over eat can take over your life, thank you for these important tips. Cheers!

  2. healthranker.com on November 19th, 2008 at 12:21 pm

    Great article about watching out for the dangers of over eating. Thank you for sharing it.

  3. Comment about StripThatFat: It is a wonderful program that me and my hubby have had tremendous results with. I highly recommend it to all those having trouble with weight-loss, it is MUST HAVE information. Loved your article about eating temptations as well, keep up the good work rachiel!

    ~Sarah W.~

    sarah walsh’s last blog post..Healthier Low Fat Eating

  4. love ur blog, is very gud, keep me update

  5. Sometimes we eat to feed out emotions and comfort eat. We need to keep focused on our goal, eat lots of fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water.

  6. Thanks for the comments everyone, and the important advice.

  7. I never thought of using smaller plates. It definitely would help with portion control. Too often I find myself filling up my plate eating everything simply because the food is there!

  8. [...] first thing and the most important thing in achieving a flat belly is to change your diet. You have to eat fewer calories and fat in your daily eating habits or all that you will have after [...]

  9. Altesino,

    When I first heard about using smaller plates I was sceptical that it would help, but it has helped me and my family lose many pounds over the years. It is funny how something so simply can help so much. Thank you for commenting, and have a great day!

  10. over eat can take over your life, thank you for these important tips.

  11. Hi,
    everything dynamic and very positively

    Thank you

  12. Fast Weight Loss Tips on February 5th, 2009 at 4:47 am

    The small plate and utensils made me laugh. Can you just imagine trying to eat with a little bitty fork. You would definitely lose weight especially with all of the extra calories burned trying to eat.

    Fast Weight Loss Tips’s last blog post..Why Cardio Doesn’t Work for Fat Loss

  13. This is all good stuff. I’m a firm believer in tricking the mind or resetting it as I call it. I did a post on my blog about resetting your appetite by doign a short sharp shock of eating less for a few days. Like a detox.

    But its helps reset your ability to discern portion sizes and decent food. No more sugar highs and fat addiction!

  14. Drinking Plenty of water is always good, but care should be take in Renal Impairment patients like Kidney failure patients. They should not drink too much water.

  15. It’s don’t work on me :’( I try to eat less, drink more water but not very helpful…

  16. May be I can try for my wife !
    She search somethink for help her to loose weight…

  17. caffeine side effects on March 8th, 2009 at 11:27 am

    For addition, you must going to fitness center for gain maximizing.

    caffeine side effects’s last blog post..The Actual Benefit of Caffeine Side Effects

  18. check cashing software on March 9th, 2009 at 10:48 pm

    Wow, cool stuff. That meal looks great!

  19. After seeing the above food which will stay on a diet regime? I saw the picture too much already hungry.

  20. Weight Loss Info on March 10th, 2009 at 9:30 am

    Weight Loss Info…

    Have you noticed that your drive to eat often does not have much to do with your actual hunger? Your [...]http://www.greaterweightloss.info [...]…

  21. For me the quick way to lose weight is to not stress about it. Drink plenty of water and exercise. You also have to see what your portions are when eating.

  22. Kevin (StrongandFit) on March 11th, 2009 at 7:42 am

    These are some helpful hints to help people break bad habits (overeating, etc). Nice!

    Kevin (StrongandFit)’s last blog post..Does Muscle Turn to Fat?

  23. Your website Weight Loss Expert is amazing for those who want to loose our weight. i would like to say someting, Drinking Plenty of water is always good.

  24. Organic Spices on March 17th, 2009 at 5:15 am

    These are some helpful hints to help people to break bad habits

  25. I have been using smaller plates for quite some time but hadn’t ever considered smaller utensils! Great idea! And drinking lots of water is essential. So many times when we think we are having hunger pains, it is really just thirst! When you think you are hungry, try drinking some water first. You’ll be amazed at how often the hunger goes away. If it doesn’t, you can still eat! I try to limit my food choices.If I have to ‘think’ about what meal I’m going to fix, I think about food way to long. I usually just pick up a few frozen diet meals and keep in the freezer for supper. Soup is great for a quick work lunch.

    Teresa’s last blog post..“Sensible Weight Loss – Healthy Eating Tips”

  26. Just what I was looking for, good information.

  27. Nice Articles, thanks for this, looking for your next post. Keep your good work.

  28. For me, I am both ways. I sometimes get hungry because of my thoughts, but then I get hungry when I see food too. lol especially when it’s unhealthy foods.

    Celeb News’s last blog post..Sarah Gronert controversy

  29. how to lose pounds on April 6th, 2009 at 11:38 pm

    I believe that it’s ok to change it up every now and then as long as you’re aware of the nutritional value of the foods you consume. We all tend to get a bit bored of our diet if it becomes to routine and just like our workouts a small change can actually be beneficial to our ultimate goal.

  30. Fitness Training Degree on April 15th, 2009 at 7:20 am


    Timely post… Nowadays it is becoming a great problem… All the three points you have mentioned is correct.. as previously said that urge to over eat can take over your life is true.


  31. Managing Clinical Data on April 25th, 2009 at 6:12 am

    We need to keep focused on our goal, eat lots of fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water.

  32. Great ideas! I especially like the idea of using smaller utensils and plates. If you have a huge plate, you’re going to subconsciously fill it up! Switching to smaller plates would help a lot.

    Diet Blog’s last blog post..Low Carb Diets And Muscle Loss

  33. payday loans on May 15th, 2009 at 8:24 pm

    The only way to lose weight and keep it off is by making healthy eating and constant exercise a routine. This is easier said than done but it can be possible. You need to find what works best for you and stick to it (food journal, support groups, exercise group etc)

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