2008 November | Weight Loss Expert

Archive for November, 2008

Outsmart Your Appetite

Have you noticed that your drive to eat often does not have much to do with your actual hunger? Your appetite is most often triggered by the mere sight or thought of food. The key to controlling your appetite is to have awareness. Here are three tactics to help tame your food temptations and outsmart [...]

Forming New Habits To Shed The Pounds

Are you tired of hiding behind loose fitting clothing? You lose some weight, but you were always getting hungry and ended up putting the pounds back on. Make sure you incorporate protein enriched foods, eat enough fiber and don’t forget to keep exercising.
Start developing new and exciting habits in your diet plan. Experts say to avoid foods high in fat and sugar, Start to add more [...]

Recommended Reading

Here are some books you should check out to help your diet plans and overall well being.
1. 2008 Calorie King - Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter
An excellent diet resource tool, well organized and simple to use. Essential information to track how you are doing in your diet. Small and easy to carry in your pocket. Perfect if you are [...]