Recommended Reading | Weight Loss Expert

Recommended Reading

Here are some books you should check out to help your diet plans and overall well being.

1. 2008 Calorie King - Calorie, Fat & Carbohydrate Counter

An excellent diet resource tool, well organized and simple to use. Essential information to track how you are doing in your diet. Small and easy to carry in your pocket. Perfect if you are going to eat out and need to find foods that won’t ruin your weight loss plans. I have an older edition of this book, and I still use it everyday, highly recommended.

2. Eat This Not That!: Thousands of Simple Food Swaps That Can Save You 10, 20, 30 Pounds-or More!

An entire book dedicated to finding healthier choices when eating out. Americans, simply put, love to eat out. Americans spend around four hundred billion a year going out to eat. This book will help you eat healthy, no matter where you are. Eat This Not That! is packed with secrets about fast food restaurants and the unhealthy foods you need to avoid to loss weight wherever you are doesn’t want you to know.

3. The Abs Diet Ultimate Nutrition Handbook

The Abs Diet Ultimate Nutrition Handbook: Your Reference Guide to Thousands of Foods, and How Each One Shapes Your Body. Most people that do weight loss want to, at some point or other, have the great abs everyone sees on all the weight loss product infomercials. This book talks about how everyday for people trying to eat right it is a battle of temptations all day long. The Abs Diet teaches the nutrition information you need to make smart decisions every day, and helps you to get the body you want.

5 Responses to “Recommended Reading”

  1. Abs diet review on January 31st, 2009 at 10:09 pm

    What I like about the abs diet is that the exercise portion of the Abs Diet plan is what makes the biggest difference with all other diet plans.

    Often it starts slower than people expect but don’t get discouraged. Muscles weigh a lot more than fat does so as you build up muscle mass, it will look like you are losing less but you will gain a great set of abdominal muscles.


  2. Weight loss drugs are very useful for those who have difficulty establishing an exercise.

  3. how to lose pounds on April 7th, 2009 at 4:04 pm

    My mother actually bought the Calorie Counter and its helped her a bit. Its just funny whenever we go out and she pulls out the book to check out the calories for everything. I know the waiter was chuckling but it was worth it for her since she couldn’t have lost those couple of extra pounds without it.

  4. weight loss for idiots on May 8th, 2009 at 1:12 pm

    Your goals are different if you’re trying to lose weight that just manage or maintain a certain weight. A good program will have two different aspects to address each phase - loss and maintenance. I always look for those features of any ‘diet’ before I’ll endorse it.

  5. Brian from Diet Pill Reviews on June 22nd, 2009 at 9:00 am

    I really like 2008 Calorie King book. Great information about diet nutrition and stuff like that. I heard 2009 edition is going to be released soon.

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