Eat Five Meals a Day | Weight Loss Expert

Eat Five Meals a Day

I believe I have talked about this before, but it is so important to your dieting success that I feel I need to talk about it again. I try to eat five meals a day to maintain a healthy weight or to help me lose weight when needed. The reason for spreading out your meals into smaller meals is to trigger your metabolism. Eating five small meals a day won’t only boost your metabolism, but will help you curb your appetite. Below is my current eating schedule that I follow, to give you an idea of what I do.

1. First meal after exercise is a drink called Berry Green ( I wrote an article on this product HERE ). I mix Berry Green with grape juice, but only a small amount.

2. About two hours later I eat a Lean Cuisine meal. If I have time I will make an egg white sandwich.

NOTE: I wrote an article on what meal choices I like CLICK HERE to view them.

3. Before I eat my third meal of the day I do some muscle building, like abdominal training, weight training ext. After that I am sore, and my body needs protein to rebuild the muscles I worked. My sore legs and arms will also need protein because of the cardio I did in the morning. I then eat a protein shake, protein powder mixed with fat free milk. My favorite brand of protein is Jay Robs Egg White Protein Vanilla Flavor because it is naturally made and is also the best tasting.

4. Two more hours or so, I eat soup. Usually Health Valley which only has 80 calories and 0 grams of fat, I also eat Dr. McDougall’s Soup with 100 calories and 0 grams of fat.

5. To finish off the day I usually eat a Lean Cuisine meal again, or a turkey sandwich.

This is the schedule I try my best to stick to. I have more energy than I ever had in my life since I have started this diet plan four months ago, and I am now at a healthy weight.

4 Responses to “Eat Five Meals a Day”

  1. I have been eating 5 meals a day in a complete different way, Well Im trying to gain muscle weight “build up” so Im having 5 complete meals a day of course doing a serious routine every day. This have given me good results and I have not gain unwanted fat in the past 6 months

  2. hmmm so that is what it does… get the metabolism going… i have always tried to avoid eating more than 3 times a day because i’m afraid to eat more than what my body could burn… time to make those changes, now!

  3. Colloidal Silver on June 24th, 2009 at 7:00 am

    Awesome tips, I’ve heard of methods like this where eating more frequently and smaller meals can be beneficial. Do you add in any other vitamins or supplements to help boost your energy level?

  4. maid service prices on June 30th, 2009 at 8:21 pm

    By not eating three times a day Kirk, you’ve actually slowed your metabolism. Now that’s not a bad thing if your still getting the proper nutrition and correct amount of calories. However, it is still preferred that you aim to eat multiple meals a day.

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