Key Tips to a Flat Belly | Weight Loss Expert

Key Tips to a Flat Belly

This is my first post in some time, I have been very busy. I hope to post on a regular basis again from now on. Thank you all for your comments and feedback related to the website and weight loss in general, I really appreciate it! Now on to losing that stubborn belly fat…

Many people believe that doing tons of sit ups or buying the latest ab machine will give you those rock hard chiseled abs you have always wanted. The truth is, doing ab exercise or ab workouts alone will NOT make you lose your belly fat.

The first thing and the most important thing in achieving a flat belly is to change your diet. You have to eat fewer calories and fat in your daily eating habits or all that you will have after those ab workouts is strong abs covered by pounds of body fat.

Please see my article about changing your diet and eating five smaller meals a day.

I wish you all the best of luck in getting that Flat Belly that we all want, Now get started!

18 Responses to “Key Tips to a Flat Belly”

  1. How I wanted to have a flat belly. I don’t have time to exercise because of my busy life and also my sedentary lifestyle contributes to my stubborn belly. I guess I need to follow your changing diet ways and after all it’s a matter of self determination right?

    Thank you for the changing diet article. I have learned a lot.

    (there was a problem with your article “eating five smaller meals a day”, it says Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.)

  2. ALL ABOUT PHARMACY on May 31st, 2009 at 5:43 am

    Yes you are right. The very 1st thing to reduce fat is changing daily diet that is much important. Exercise daily and Yoga are also good to reduce fat effectively.

  3. Diet is important because living fat is not healthy. Most of us want to lose some weight but don’t have time. This is a great program for each one us! I really appreciate you shared it with us! Thanks a lot!

  4. I have a flat belly right now and to be honest I’m not doing any diet. But I always sweat a lot, may be that’s the secret. You need to squeeze the sweat out of you.

  5. Ann from Free Diet Plans on June 16th, 2009 at 6:35 am

    LOL, I guess you have to get rid of the fat layer with diet before you can show off the tone muscles underneath.

    Ann’s last blog post..How to Get the Perfect Abs - Some Easy Exercises From Home

  6. I read somewhere else that bananas and strawberries help you to reduce abs fat, if you trade this for other unhealthy foods, you are right here the only way to have a flat ab is trough a healthy diet and exercises. Nice article by the way.

  7. my belly is not that huge but it’s not as flat as i want it to be… it’s true, it’s ’stubborn’ as hell… i’ve also tried to do ab workouts and have purchased a belly fat burner equipment but i never quite achieved getting flat abs… perhaps what’d do the trick is to stop being stubborn and start changing my diet… :)

  8. Mercola Natural Health on June 22nd, 2009 at 8:01 am

    I would have to say that the first thing you should do is change your lifestyle, diet should come in second. Also, remember to get enough exercise everyday.

    Mercola Natural Health’s last blog post..Do Women Need Hormone Replacement Therapy?

  9. If you want to have a flat belly, then you should try jogging everyday, it is really work

    Val’s last blog post..Natural Remedies and Ways of Treating Yeast Infections

  10. Whey Protein Coupons on July 8th, 2009 at 6:30 am

    There is an old saying on fitness message boards “abs are made in the kitchen”. You are very right that diet should be the starting point on everyone’s quest for great abs.

    Whey Protein Coupons’s last blog post..A1supplements Free Shipping on Orders over $150 - Limited Time

  11. E commerce Web development on July 9th, 2009 at 7:24 am

    Nice posting.It will help me to reduce my belly and look smart.

  12. Yeah Val
    u r Right

  13. Blane from Home Teeth Whiten on August 16th, 2009 at 6:40 pm

    I noticed that even with jogging everyday that your body gets accustomed to that type of workout. I think you need to mix up your routine and include resistance training to build up more muscle. More muscle increases your metabolism. Just my thoughts.

  14. Matt from Work Out Plans on August 23rd, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    Changing my diet has helped the most out of everything. I haven’t been eating 5 small meals everyday, I have been eating 3 small meals every day and going for a run and also weight lifting. I have lost 6 pounds in the past 3 weeks doing this. I went from 176 pounds to 170 pounds. Pretty solid muscle as well.

  15. flat stomach in one month on August 24th, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    I always find if i dont diet i can train as hard as i like and results will always be poor, diet is 80% of the battle without a doubt by the way great blog.

  16. True, losing weight will not reduce the fat of any specific area you’re targeting, it reduces collectively. Do walk, run or jog and do other exercises as well. Sit ups will strengthen your Abs muscles but won’t reduce fat of that area unless you’re overall working out and burning your calories.

  17. Denny from Strawberries on September 9th, 2009 at 12:29 pm

    The best method for losing fat has always been, and always will be dieting coupled with weight lifting (you have to do them together to reap the benefits!)

    Do that for several months and you’ll build up a reserve of muscle that burns up 50 calories/kg just by staying idle :)

  18. I myself would have to lose a lot of weight before I could even begin to work on having a flat stomach.

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